Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Melody's Birthday

Our little girl turned four years old last week and she couldn't have been more pleasant. We had a princess party on the weekend with many princes and princesses in attendance. Roger and Tracey brought in their friend Jenny to paint some faces as well (Melody absolutely loves facepainting). It's certainly a milestone to remember for Miss Melody. It's a big transition from being three to four, this time next year she would have already finished 3 months of kindergarten! I guess the biggest relief has been potty training success. Despite Roger's reservations of Melody actually being able to do it, she's been very, very successful. That's not to say it wasn't a stubborn transition, but now we're in a good place. Every kid is different and we can certainly see that comparing both kids. Now on to Christmas. untitled-3.jpg 20131124-DSC_9093

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