Thursday, November 23, 2006

Lots of visitors for me and Malcolm.

I've been pretty lucky lately, as lots of people have been by the house to see the new baby. I know that they're not really here to see me, but nonetheless I get some attention. It has been strange to have Tracey home all day long, gone are the days where I get left alone, whoo hoo! It may sound sad, but I really enjoy having company at home. Roger actually stayed home today too, eventhough it was a work day. His back has been hurting since Malcolm arrived, I think it's to do with all the hunching over and poor posture while feeding Malcolm. He's been doing some exercises and visiting the chiropractor, it's been helping so far. Tracey has been feeling under the weather, she felt chills and was running a bit of a fever. She's taking a nap right now, I hope she feels better soon.

I'm doing fine, other than the fact that I can't go outside. Well other than my bathroom breaks, the weather has been too horrible to stay out for very long. This is a picture of Roger's friend Nick, he's bashing fists with Malcolm.

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