Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Skating continues.

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The opportunities that the kids have today are limitless. Although they don't realize it yet, they are exposed to so much more than Roger and Tracey were at the same age and even more than Roger and Tracey's parents when they were young (whoa we're going back a few generations now). Teaching children that they are lucky to have what they have is a difficult thing to do. Roger and Tracey try their very best to instil a sense of appreciation and gratitude with the kids, but I have to say that it's difficult. How do you teach a child that an activity, and outing, a toy, clothes, a meal out are treats and privileges.  These same opportunities aren't the equal for children everywhere. Recently, the skating has been met with some resistance by both Malcolm and Melody, more so Melody. You can chalk it up to being young, you can attribute it to stubbornness or immaturity, but again how do you make them realize that they should be thankful. I guess you don't realize what you have until it's gone or the other side of that is, if you've always had it, what other reality would you really know?

Recently Roger bought a photo book called, "I Was Always Beautfiul". It's a photography essay on India, mostly pictures about kids with Aids living in an orphanage. The photographer, Rocky Braat documents some pretty great images in Chennai, India. Anyway, Roger showed Malcolm one of the pictures from the book and it was of a girl playing with a old hoop she found from the dump. He explained to Malcolm that some kids in the world are too poor to buy toys and can't afford to even eat most days. I think this image did strike a chord with Malcolm. So Roger finds himself reminding Malcolm of the image when he's being especially ungrateful, it seems to work somewhat at least temporarily. As parents, Roger and Tracey will continue to encourage, promote and even push the kids into trying different things. They just hope that it gets easier as they get older. Here are some pictures from a skate Malcolm did with Uncle Albert, Jayme, Ally and Rowan last night. Just in case you're wondering Jayme and Malcolm are the same age. Maybe he's just a late bloomer.

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