Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My little brother has finally arrived!

I'd like to welcome Malcolm J. to our family. He arrived on Sunday morning at 11:22am. He was 6lbs and 12 ounces. I'm happy to report that both baby and mom are doing very well. Can you believe that Tracey literally arrived at the hospital already fully dialated and ready to deliver. As I recall, that morning was pretty crazy, unlike any other Sunday I'd ever seen. Tracey woke up really early, around 5:30am and told Roger that something was happening. Less than an hour later she started to have contractions that were 2-4 minutes apart. I'll never forget the repeated: "Ow, ow, ow, ow....." sessions she had. After enduring this for a few hours, Roger urged Tracey to get ready to go to the hospital. At first they thought they'd be sent home, but after the assessment the doctors and nurses told Roger and Tracey that she would be having the baby very 'soon'. What they didn't realize was how 'soon' in fact that would be. So after about a little more than an hour of pushing, out came my baby brother. Here are some pictures of him, isn't he cute.

Roger, Tracey and Malcolm are now at home resting. For those of you who are wondering, the J. was given in memory of Roger's Mom who passed away last November. Hey this picture is remarkable, he's got Roger"s hands, right down to the bent pinky finger.
Thank you to those of you who visited the hospital, I was sad that they didn't allow dogs to visit. Also, thanks to everyone who have extended they heartfelt congratulations. Now we're just one big happy family.

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